Saturday, February 28, 2009

Perfect Little Bean

What a beautiful little peanut Baby M is! She did a great job with three adults cooing at her when all she wanted to do was admire her outfit (it had sparkly bits after all) and have a little nap after her exertions. She was such a good sport about being plunked into the pretty bowl (until she was done), but one day she will think it is just a hoot that she ever fit inside. Thank you little bean.

Who loves you Baby?

Mummy and Daddy think you are the cat's meow. How could they not?

Meet Eilish - Gunslinger Extraordinaire

I promised my lovely niece that I would put her photos of her on my blog. And to be honest I have no good reason why have not done it sooner - isn't she beautiful? We love you Eilish!

Ewan Too

Handsome boy! Wish we could play.

Sweet Ciara

All's fair in love and waterfights - especially with your older brother and sister...