Sunday, September 13, 2009

I've Moved!

Thanks Blogger! But I have moved on to greener pastures - you can see my new beautiful blog here:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little Ladies

I first photographed Miss E in November 2007 - almost two years later she has lost two front teeth and gained a little sister!

Both Miss E and little Miss K were a delight to spend the morning with! I am blessed to have a girl, but her girliness is tempered by the all out rambunctious, dirty boyness of her brother (yes, I know "boyness" is not a word) - so it was most pleasant to have a truly girly morning with matching frocks, flowers and caterpillars (because we can't all be little ladies all the time - especially when there is a whole wide world to explore!).

Thank you Erica for letting me capture all this pretty sweetness again!

I love it when they laugh at my jokes/silliness - it makes me feel almost normal! I love the genuine smiles even more though!

Mind the gap! Miss E was so proud of her missing teeth and I was regaled with stories of triumphant removal and treated to a tour of ever more loose ones. So stinkin' cute!

Six is a such a great age. There is so much silliness, laughter and simultaneous brevity in each breath. At six kids are having real conversations and showing you who they will become and yet any mention of underwear causes convulsions. It's a great age and I love this image because I think this look heralds a great six year-old thought or question, like "If heaven is up, why do we bury people in the ground?"

Gotta love Indiana for the Queen Anne's lace that is everywhere. It's just so pretty.

A girl after my own heart! Pretty in lavender, hair in a bow and a caterpillar for amusement - a furry one no less!

Miss K - I just love your blue eyes!

I love this look - "I'm not so sure about the crazy lady with the camera, but these flowers that she gave me are pretty cool."

"Okay - I'm getting sleepy now!"

I'm one and I will eat my hand if I want to! Don't I look just darling doing it?

Ha! Watch me grab my sister - everyone will think it's so cute!

Gorgeous! How cool would this be in a big gallery wrap? Too cool!

I bet I can pull all these flowers out, so capture my adorable cuteness while you can! Score! Such pretty little ladies.

A Bridal Shower

I was fortunate enough to be invited as a guest and a photographer to a bridal shower recently. It was a lovely afternoon - the bride to be is beautiful both inside and out; there was fabu Indian food (my fave!) and lots of wonderful ladies.

As a guest I enjoyed myself immensely. As a photographer, I was particularly delighted because women are a fascinating bunch. This was a group of gorgeous and talented women who gave generously of themselves to mark a major milestone in the life of the young bride. The humour, wisdom and love of these ladies was entertaining and very satisfying for the soul - so let's hear it for our mothers, sisters and girlfriends - they are what see us through.

Ranee and Meet thank you for letting me document this happy occasion!

Isn't she just beautiful? I mean check out the cheek bones!

Women - together - don't they look so relaxed? And just downright pretty to look at? I tell you - we are different creatures when there are no menfolk around and we go about our rituals.

Can you tell these two are related? Mum is the one above in yellow - they look like sisters! But those eyes! Swim anyone?

I have no idea what these two were talking about - but it doesn't really matter now does it? I love the sheer happiness, the conspiratorial nature of a little gossip and the comfort of old friends.

What a hoot! We went around the room saying how long we had all been married and giving our best advice to the bride to be. This lovely lady had been married for some years and said to just remember "It's my way or the highway!" All in the delivery of course, but just hilarious!

A wise woman here - she stole the show with her advice to have lots of sex. You will indeed have a happy marriage if there is a lot of sex.

Mother-in-law and the bride to be. Ranee has two sons and is now gaining a daughter. It is remarkable how alike they look for not being related. Hasn't it been said that men look for those things they admire about their mother in a wife? Stunning beauty and incredibly intelligent must have been high on the list...

Can you believe this cake? Home made and delicious!

Mmm! Indian food - this made me so happy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Logo, New look.

Check out my new logo! I have also updated the website extensively and I now offer print packages (which are quite the deal!).

I am just taking a quick breather to get through some post-processing, but expect more big changes here soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Photo of the Day

I know these are my Monsters - but I think they are gorgeous! Even aside from the gorgeousness of my children I LOOOVE this shot. There is wonderful symmetry, calmness and a very cool effect caused by the light on the slide behind them. I got a bunch of other great ones too, but this one sang to me SOCC.

Dang blogger cut my image short - if you click on the main image you will get it full size in another window.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Boys together - cute huh?

The Boys

Three boys and one chair. I shot each brother separately on the same chair in the same location - yet I got different looks from each of them. I love that their personalities shine through.